In this extravagant simulation - assume a nanny for 5 years, private school K-12, saving for private college, a new car when they are 16, paying for car insurance, a generous allowance, and lavish gifts.
Birth Medical Bills 5000
Furnishing Nursery / Baby Supplies 5000
Vehicle - Upgrade to a boring but safe wagon or SUV 35000
Formula or Breast Pump + Parts + Effort (first year) 200
Diapers 1000
Nanny 5 years, full time 3500
Furnishing Bedroom 4000
Aftercare K-5 (until age 11) 3600
Summer Camps 6000
Food 150
College Savings 600
Tutoring / Activities 300
Clothing 2400
Health Insurance / Co-pays 200
Private School K-12 18000
New Car on 16th birthday 25000
Car Insurance 250
Allowance 300
Lavish Gifts 3000
Child Tax Credit 2000
Standard deduction effective "bonus", depends on tax bracket 1000