List of IRS Income Level Triggers

Check out our detailed list of income levels that trigger the various tax rates, tax benefits, credits, and deductions. Updated for 2021202220232024.

In most cases Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or even Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) factors into many of these programs. We have a separate post that covers what is AGI vs MAGI and how to compute MAGI for each tax program. Note that Federal tax brackets and Long Term Capital Gains are based on taxable income (after subtracting standard / itemized deductions), which AGI and MAGI do not. 

You may view the list below and also download in Excel or LibreOffice format.

Filing Status: Single

AIG / MAGI Tax Impact
$0 Saver’s Credit of 50%
$0 Federal 10% tax bracket starts
$0 0% Long Term Capital Gains Rate
$11,601 Federal 12% tax bracket starts
$15,060 100% of Federal Poverty Level (varies by location and family size)
For Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit
$22,320 Max you can earn before Social Security starts getting reduced (under full retirement age)
$23,000 Saver’s Credit reduced to 20%
$25,000 Saver’s Credit reduced to 10%
$25,000 Tax on up to 50% of Social Security Starts
$34,000 Tax on up to 85% of Social Security Starts
$38,250 Saver’s Credit eliminated
$47,026 15% Long Term Capital Gains Rate Starts
$47,151 Federal 22% tax bracket starts
$59,520 Max you can earn before Social Security starts getting reduced (full retirement age)
$60,240 400% of Federal Poverty Level (varies by location and family size)
For Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit
$77,000 IRA Contribution (if covered by retirement plan) phase out STARTS
$80,000 Student loan interest deduction phase out STARTS
$80,000 Education Credits phase out STARTS
$87,000 IRA Contribution (if covered by retirement plan) phase out ENDS
$90,000 Education Credits phase out ENDS
$95,000 Student loan interest deduction phase out ENDS
$100,526 Federal 24% tax bracket starts
$103,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$129,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$146,000 Roth IRA Contribution phase out STARTS
$161,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$161,000 Roth IRA Contribution phase out ENDS
$168,600 Max income applicable to Social Security Taxes / Self Employment Taxes
$191,951 Federal 32% tax bracket starts
$191,950 Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction eliminated
$193,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$200,000 3.8% NIIT LTCG tax starts
$200,000 Child Tax Credit phase out STARTS
$240,000 Child Tax Credit phase out ENDS
$243,725 Federal 35% tax bracket starts
$518,901 20% Long Term Capital Gains Rate Starts
$500,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$609,351 Federal 37% tax bracket starts

Filing Status: Married Filing Jointly

AIG / MAGI Tax Impact
$0 Saver’s Credit of 50%
$0 Federal 10% tax bracket starts
$0 0% Long Term Capital Gains Rate
$22,320 Max you can earn (per person) before Social Security starts getting reduced (under full retirement age)
$23,201 Federal 12% tax bracket starts
$31,200 100% of Federal Poverty Level Family of 4 (varies by location and family size)
For Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit
$32,000 Tax on up to 50% of Social Security Starts
$46,000 Saver’s Credit reduced to 20%
$44,000 Tax on up to 85% of Social Security Starts
$50,000 Saver’s Credit reduced to 10%
$59,520 Max you can earn (per person) before Social Security starts getting reduced (full retirement age)
$76,500 Saver’s Credit eliminated
$94,051 15% Long Term Capital Gains Rate Starts
$94,301 Federal 22% tax bracket starts
$123,000 IRA Contribution (if covered by retirement plan) phase out STARTS
$124,800 400% of Federal Poverty Level Family of 4 (varies by location and family size)
For Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit
$143,000 IRA Contribution (if covered by retirement plan) phase out ENDS
$165,000 Student loan interest deduction phase out STARTS
$160,000 Education Credits phase out STARTS
$168,600 Max income applicable (per person) to Social Security Taxes / Self Employment Taxes
$180,000 Education Credits phase out ENDS
$195,000 Student loan interest deduction phase out ENDS
$201,051 Federal 24% tax bracket starts
$206,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$230,000 Roth IRA Contribution phase out STARTS
$230,000 IRA Contribution (if spouse has retirement plan) phase out STARTS
$240,000 Roth IRA Contribution phase out ENDS
$240,000 IRA Contribution (if spouse has retirement plan) phase out ENDS
$258,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$250,000 3.8% NIIT LTCG tax starts
$322,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$383,900 Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction eliminated
$383,901 Federal 32% tax bracket starts
$386,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA
$400,000 Child Tax Credit phase out STARTS
$440,000 Child Tax Credit phase out ENDS
$487,451 Federal 35% tax bracket starts
$583,751 20% Long Term Capital Gains Rate Starts
$732,201 Federal 37% tax bracket starts
$750,000 Medicare premium increase IRMAA

Federal tax brackets and Long Term Capital Gains are based on total income, which includes standard / itemized deductions, which AGI/MAGI does not. See: instructions on calculating MAGI for each program.

Disclaimer: We double checked everything and we think this information is correct. However you will need to verify on your own, given your own unique situation. Make sure to consult with your tax professional on these matters. The numbers and rules above change often. We will try to keep it updated but offer no guarantee of accuracy. Keep in mind that we are not CPAs, accountants, financial advisors or tax preparation professionals. 

This material is for educational purposes only. Nothing here should be taken as tax, legal, or investment advice. Thank you.



Tax Triggers - AIG MAGI table 2024.ods

LibreOffice / OpenOffice download 2024

Tax Triggers - AIG MAGI table 2023.ods

LibreOffice / OpenOffice download 2023

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