
My name is Steven. I write about money and here are a few rules of thumb:

Number 1: If you're in debt, get out of it.

Number 2: Learn what compounding is. And understand how it can make you rich beyond your dreams. Marry compounding. Love compounding. Respect compounding.

Number 3: Find ways to make your money compound (e.g., low cost broad-based index funds).

Blog Posts by Steven:

How to Become A Lawyer Without Debt

Did you know you can become a lawyer in the United States without going to law school (and without suffering under a mountain of debt)?

Personal Finance


Cryptocurrencies - Get Rich Quick (or not) and Investment vs Speculation

Lots of people are giddy over the sky rocketing prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It’s easy to confuse speculation with investing. We explain the difference.

Financial Literacy


Financial Tales of a Digital Nomad

Many people would call my lifestyle that of a digital nomad because my main source of income comes from work on the computer and I travel regularly. Which means I've amassed a wealth of knowledge …

Personal Finance


What is Passive Index Investing?

Passive Index Investing is an investment approach characterized by four main features: 1) the index, 2) the index fund, 3) passive management as opposed to active management, and 4) low costs.

Financial Literacy, Personal Finance


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Complaint System

Do you have a bone to pick with a bank or financial institution? If so, you might be interested in learning about and using the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s complaint system because it could help …

Personal Finance, Risk Reduction


What is an Expense Ratio? Part 2

The components of a fund's expense ratio explained in detail. In short it goes to the fund's management, advertising cost, and company 'slush fund'.

Financial Literacy, Personal Finance


What is an Expense Ratio? Part 1

Expense ratio is one of those cryptic financial terms that has a dramatic impact on the performance of your mutual fund or exchange traded fund (ETF). And if you invest in mutual funds or ETFs, …

Financial Literacy, Personal Finance


The Golden Rule: Keep Your Investment Costs Low

Want a bigger slice of the pie? If you desire financial independence, remember to keep your investment costs low because you put yourself in position to lose less money. And likewise, you’re in better position …

Financial Literacy


The Eighth Wonder of the World - Compounding

If you understand compounding—the idea that interest grows on interest—you probably already know more about money and how to build wealth than 90% of the population. And you will have at your disposal a weapons-grade …

Financial Literacy


The Time Value of Money

How well do you think you know money? Money in hand is great, but at what point is it smarter to defer and receive a larger amount in the future? Here's a challenge for you...

Financial Literacy, Personal Finance