Work From Home Benefits for Companies and Employees
- August 2, 2023
- by Angela

Once it was unthinkable to work from home, today it is common. In the past, only freelancers worked from home, but today this work model is practiced by many industries. Before the pandemic, only 6% of people worked from home, and a year later, 33% of people worked from home.
It is believed that 22% of the workforce will work remotely by 2025 and that an even more significant number of employers will start using a hybrid way of working.
The benefits of working from home for both employees and employers are listed below.
5 Benefits Of Remote Work For Companies
1. Fewer Sick Days
How many times have you been sick and absent from work? When you work from home, it is easier to work if you have a cold or are not feeling well. For many work from home jobs there is no need to get dressed, comb your hair or put on makeup. You are also not spreading germs to your co-workers like you would if you came into the office.
2. Larger Talent Pools
It used to be that you could only work at companies near where you live. Thanks to remote work companies can have their workforce distributed all over the world. This can run into problems juggling the different time zones across the world. However, in general this opens up a position to a much wider candidate pool than ever before.
3. Opportunities to Invest in Meaningful Benefits
When you work from home, you don't have the distractions you have at work, but also some of the connection is missing. Company owners have thought about how to make up for this by providing the following, especially during the pandemic.
- health and wellness programs
- benefits for the care of children and the elderly
- mental health support
- more flexible work schedule
These benefits have helped company owners increase employee engagement and loyalty, and attract great talent for new jobs.
4. A Smaller Carbon Footprint
Many employees travel to work by car every day and thus pollute the environment. During the pandemic, travel related emissions decreased by 40%. Many employees would still like to work from home and not have to drive to work because they are aware of how polluting cars are, as well as the energy used at work.
5. Major Cost Savings
What kind of savings can there be if you work at home? On the one hand, employees will not spend money on transportation and business lunches. On the other hand, companies will save on rent, utilities, and cleaning services, and even reduce their tax burden by switching to a remote or hybrid work model. This effect is magnified in higher cost of living areas.
The biggest cost savings for employers is that most employees would gladly take a pay cut to be able to work from home vs having a higher salary and “working from work”.
5 Benefits Of Remote Work For Employees
1. You’re No Longer Alone
Many people who previously worked from home were the exception and left out of office social interactions. Today, it is much easier to constantly be in contact with your colleagues. Communication platforms such as Zoom or Slack are great for staying in touch, but come with their own annoyances. For companies that are 100% remote the playing field is completely level in terms of connection to coworkers, access to promotions, etc.
So those who worked exclusively remotely without contact with their boss or colleagues today no longer have loneliness but connection with colleagues regardless of where they live.
2. You Can Create the Perfect Workstation
Another advantage of telecommuting is that you can arrange your workspace at home the way you want without the other employees protesting. While working strictly in the offices, the employees could not arrange the office as they wished, nor could they adjust the temperature in the office as they wished. Some were too cold in winter, while others were too warm in summer. Since working from home, they have the freedom to arrange their workspace as they wish, without anyone telling them whether they can do it or not.
3. You'll Race Toward Pressing Deadlines In Comfort
Regardless of whether you work from home or in the office, every job needs to be completed by a certain deadline. While working in the office, it was necessary to plan to do everything during fixed working hours in order to complete the work on time.
When you work from home, you can plan when you will do the work and have it completed on time. This means that you can finish it during the day when you want because some urgent obligation may arise and you can finish the work later or you just like to work at night.
4. You Can Work from Home—or Bora Bora
When you work from home, the main advantage is that your main tool is a laptop that you can carry wherever you want. This means you can work from wherever you want as long as you carry your laptop with you. Every destination is your home, especially if you want to move from a larger place to a smaller place closer to family and friends, and still receive your salary wherever you are.
5. You're More Likely to Achieve Work-Life Balance
Working from home allows you to have a great balance between your private and work life. In this way, you can devote more time to your family, exercise routine, hobbies, etc. On the other hand, your work does not suffer, and you spend even less time in the car.
Both hybrid and remote workers agreed that this is a great way to work and that they can balance their personal and work lives.
How to Maintain a Positive Remote Working Environment
Although remote work has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages that should be considered.
Promote Healthy Work-Life Hours
Regardless of the fact that your working hours are flexible, you should determine the time you will work and when you will rest. It can be hard to “unplug” when working from home. If you work too much, you may burn out at work and want to take a break. That's why you need to regularly take 10-minute breaks and have physical activity to rest from a busy day.
Keep Lines of Communication Open
Communication with the employee should be open so that the employee does not feel alone. It should be a conversation about fun things and not just about work so that the employee maintains good mental health.
Acknowledge Temptations
Regardless of the fact that you work from home, you should still have some hobbies that you will do even when you are not working. I wouldn't call it temptations, but the need to devote yourself to other things that relax you when you're not doing work, such as housework, walks, reading a book, watching a series or movie, or spending time with family or friends. Just don’t get carried away with watching TV while you are working, or take naps when you are expected to be available.
Promote Virtual Team Events
Considering that entire teams work from home, employers can organize socializing events so that team members connect and do not feel neglected.
Conclusion: Working from home is great for saving money, but also for creating a better balance between work and private life.